For thousands of years people throughout the world have hailed the health benefits of honey. Most of us know honey as a thick, sweet liquid we love to spread on our morning toast or drizzle over pancakes. But besides its delicious taste it also has antimicrobial properties that allow us to cleanse our skin without stripping its natural oils. That’s why honey is one of the powerhouse ingredients in Lifebuoy Honey & Turmeric Germ Protection Soap.
Honey has so many other powerful benefits too, especially when it comes to our health and hygiene. It is a rich source of several important antioxidants that are believed to support better health. Antioxidants are compounds that help fight disease-causing free radicals, thus reducing your risk of, for example, heart disease, cancer, cataracts, and allergies.
In some traditional medicines, such as Ayurvedic medicine, honey is considered to have antibacterial properties and is applied to the skin to help heal wounds. At the same time, a mix of honey and turmeric – referred to as “Golden Honey” has shown evidence of being a powerful antibiotic. Honey is applied to the skin to treat eczema, burns and cuts. Scientific research is now supporting the age of traditions of using honey medicinally. Research has shown that honey’s antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties is an effective treatment for a broad range of skin ailments (1).